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Spine Integration RUBE + Cocos2d-x

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:39 pm
by gOzaru
I wonder if I can implement spine inside RUBE?
If I can't, can I include Spine files(json) and run it altogether inside RUBE level?
I meant, I want to implement Box2D from Spine files and hopefully it will interact to the RUBE level I made?
Is that possible?
Could you give me the guide of how to implement Box2D into Spine?

Re: Spine Integration RUBE + Cocos2d-x

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 4:30 am
by iforce2d
Does Spine have anything to do with Box2D yet?
If I understand it correctly, Spine just lets you draw a character with animation running, right? So as long as you know where it should be drawn, you could load a RUBE scene and draw it, and then draw the Spine guy as well - you might need to scale him to get the right size....